I missed book club this month. (Thanks a lot unscheduled shift hour change...) It was a really hectic week at our house anyway, as I worked full time this week for the first time since Colin was born.
Paris in Love Eloisa James
Anyway, I wish I'd known I wasn't going to make it. I would have quit reading this book on about page 10 and never looked back. I hate not finishing books. But, I don't count this as a book, so no problem. It's NOT a book. It's literally a bunch of the author's facebook and twitter updates printed! I am not joking.
Apparently the author is romance author. She must be quite popular to get away with this atrocity. If I wanted to read your twitter updates, I'd follow you on twitter. Now I want my $11.99 back!
I dislike the twitter concept anyway. Call me out of touch, but I prefer to read a blog post that takes more than half a second to punch out on a cell phone. But to pick up a book and find it full of these disconnected tidbits was just infuriating.
I won't even give this "book" a real review. Ug. /end rant.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins |
I also read The Hunger Games Series this month. I know I'm super behind the curve, but after hanging out with a friend who is very into juvenile fiction, I was inspired to try to read it again. (I'd tried once, but our Kindle Account blacked out the pages so I ended up reading
The Dark Tower series instead).
I enjoyed the book series. It reminded me of a cross between
The Giver by Lois Lowry and
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. (As a side note, a found out there is apparently a 4th book in
The Giver series looking up the spelling of the Author's name, yay!) I didn't think
The Hunger Games was as good as either of the other series, but that could also be a generational preference. I expect if I had read it when I was younger, I'd like it as much or more. I am unlikely to see the movies, although I'm curious how they'd portray the costumes.
I am also in the process of attempting to read the most boring book ever written on the most boring topic ever considered.
The Meaning of Everything by Simon Winchester |
I don't really have any idea why I decided to pick this up, but it might be about time I put it back down...
I'm really lacking in books I'm excited to read at the moment. Although if our current sleep troubles continue, baby sleep books are going to top the list! :)