Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Review: Kindred Spirits by Sarah Strohmeyer

This week I finished this months book for book club.

To be honest, I'm tempted not to write a review at all under the advice of my mother that if I can't say something nice...

But in the spirit of honesty and this being my blog, I couldn't stand the book.  This really isn't a surprise, it's essentially a chick flick in book form.  I have the same problem with it that I have with chick flicks: Archetype characters, predictable plot, every thing is always perfect in the end and wrapped up with a bow.  I hate not finishing books, but after a particularly annoying scene involving a group of chemical engineers (who, apparently, are all socially retarded men who only cut loose in random hotels with women in their pajamas singing karaoke) I seriously considered ending it right there.

On the plus side, it did greatly increase my opinion of my own writing, which I hate to admit, is much more like Ms. Strohmeyer's than the literary geniuses I'd prefer to emulate.    

I can see why people would enjoy the book: a tale of friends sipping martinis and surviving hard times only to come upon greener pastures and find that friendship prevails after all.  It's just not meeting me where I am, I guess.  I already know I'm in a bit of a dark phase, maybe I'll read it again someday and love it.

I'll close my review with a quote directly from the book:

"It was the kind of crazy circumstances [found] only in books.  And not very good books, at that."  :)

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