Sunday, September 29, 2013

10 Months

Our little guy is 10 months!  This month brought two new teeth (finally!) bringing the total of 6, his first temper tantrum, the end of his first summer, lots of walks, hugs and kisses,

Other than that, it was a relatively 'normal' month without major travel or too much schedule upset.  Colin enjoyed our trip to Malibu and I'm amazed at how well he does in the car most of the time.  He has the most trouble with short trips, especially if there are lots of stops; which makes running errands rather tideous sometimes.

Colin doesn't really have a favorite food.  He really will eat anything and everything, and LOTS of it.  I grew a little concerned with his appetite and ended up sending a message to his pediatrician, but he wasn't concerned.  I was mostly concerned because at his 9 month check, he hadn't grown since his 6 month check, brining him from the 98th percentile down to about the 23rd.  His appetite made me worry there was something he wasn't getting in his diet, but apparently he's just hungry.  I hope his willingness to eat everything continues.

This age is so much fun.  I think looking back there have been things I have liked about all of them, but the last few months have been my favorite.  I love watching his personality emerge.  I love his newfound independence and mobility (although both keep us on our toes!)

The next month should be an exciting one and I can't wait to see what Colin thinks of all of the new things he's going to encounter!

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