Today I was determined to get out of the house. If the rainy miserable weather yesterday matched my mood yesterday, there couldn't be a better indicator that today is going to be a better day than the absolutely perfect weather outside: 65, sunny, a light breeze and everything fresh and clean from yesterday's rain.
A few more photos from our walk are here. Including the ones from me playing with the macro setting on my camera. I realized while walking and taking pictures I'm a point and shoot girl at heart. I don't know if this is something that will change as my knowledge and confidence increase or if it's just a fact. It is somewhat disappointing, as well, to realize that Gavin was entirely correct in saying I could never be a nature photographer because I lack the patience required to successfully wait. I hope that it is also something I can change with practice.
In spite of my blarg mood yesterday, I still got hungry, so I made sausage baguette's courtesy of a Rachel Ray recipe. I was suppose to make them Wednesday but just kept putting it off. I didn't feel like leaving, and had all of the ingredients, so...
I thought it was alright. Gavin seemed to really like it when he got home. He might have just been happy to have yummy food waiting for him.
On Friday my sister came up and I made her what is probably my absolutely favorite new cocktail: The Stormy Night. I didn't take a photo of it when we made it, but for reference, here is an old picture from Wildfire. Fitting, since this is where I first found the drink!
The drink is AMAZING. The basic recipe is:
1 part Effen Black Cherry
1 part watermelon pucker
1 part island pucker.
Shake and serve in martini glass with sugared rim.
Some web research shows that some people put sweet and sour. I haven't tried, but see no reason to mess with such a good thing! Plus the color is absolutely beautiful and I wouldn't want to pollute it with sweet and sour.